UNHCR is now in the process of developing the new Refugee Response Plan for 2024 and is inviting partners to participate in the 2024 RRP. This call is open to humanitarian actors engaged or planning to engage in the refugee response in the Czech Republic, including UN agencies, International and National NGOs, IFRC and Red Cross, Faith-based organizations and charities, Academic institutions, regional organizations, Community-based organizations, and Refugee-led organizations. We also welcome academic institutions, sports, and cultural associations to enrich the response. All partners should be registered and have the capacity for project design, fundraising, and implementation in the Czech Republic. Government entities and private sector actors cannot participate in the RRP as appealing partners.
Details of the call. If you are interested in joining the 2024 RRP for the Czech Republic, UNHCR is currently collecting information on partners planning to implement protection and assistance activities and their budget needs for 2024. The information we require is straightforward:
Focus Areas. In 2024, our focus will be on the protection of refugees, especially vulnerable groups like children, single parents, refugees with disabilities, older refugees, unaccompanied and separated children, and minority communities. We will also work on supporting refugees to integrate into society by improving their access to education and jobs, promoting social cohesion, and peaceful coexistence among refugees, the Ukrainian diaspora, and local communities.
Submission Deadline. Please complete the ONLINE FORM (accessible here) by October 15th, as regional project compilation requires strict adherence to this deadline. We strongly recommend organizations not delay submission to prevent technical issues and delays. Each organization should submit one form covering the sectors of planned intervention in 2024. The form is brief and should take about 10 to 15 minutes to fill out, and you can use the comment box for additional information if needed.
If you have questions about the RRP call for partnership, contact Lorenzo Leonelli at leonelli@unhcr.org or +36305818258. For technical and IT inquiries, please reach out to the Information Management team at hurkmans@unhcr.org or +36305818505. You can also contact UNHCR CZ at simunkov@unhcr.org or +420 777 141 446.
České fórum pro rozvojovou spolupráci
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FoRS – České fórum pro rozvojovou spolupráci
je platformou českých nevládních neziskových organizací (NNO) a dalších neziskových subjektů, které se zabývají humanitární pomocí, rozvojovou spoluprací, globálním vzděláváním a informováním o těchto tématech.
Organizace ve FoRS sdílejí společný zájem prosazovat vyšší relevanci a efektivnost české i mezinárodní zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce a zvyšovat její pozitivní dopady pro obyvatele rozvojových a transformujících se zemí.
Hlavním úkolem FoRS je zastupování společných zájmů členů a posilování spolupráce a vztahů mezi státními institucemi v ČR i EU a nevládními organizacemi na poli rozvojové spolupráce.
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