Czech English

FoRS –⁠ member of the month in CONCORD Europe

Katka Carda Kosmatová

FoRS was highlighted as ‚Member of the Month‘ in the CONCORD’s popular newsletter.

CONCORD Europe is a European confederation of NGOs active in development cooperation. It brings together 58 organisations representing more than 2,600 NGOs and millions of citizens across Europe. We are delighted and we really appreciate it.

Read the newsletter, subscribe to it or just check out the section dedicated to us, FoRS.

This month, CONCORD spotlights the work of our member FoRS –⁠ Czech forum for development cooperation.

The platform, formally launched in 2002, brings together 34 Czech non-profit organizations, think tanks, universities and other entities active in development cooperation, humanitarian aid, global education and sustainable development. 

These organizations share a common interest in promoting greater relevance and effectiveness of Czech and international development assistance and therefore to help build a sustainable life for citizens worldwide.

Through its work, FoRS wants to contribute to more effective national, European and global cooperation between governments, businesses and civil society organizations.

The main activities of FoRS are:

  • advocacy on the national and European level
  • capacity building of its members
  • awareness-raising on development issues.

In the second half of 2022 FoRS has been busy preparing the activities linked to the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. Although the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 400 000 Ukrainian refugees in Czechia and domestic problems such as energy security has significantly affected the plans of FoRS, the platform takes the advantage of this period for strengthening the public and political support for international cooperation. FoRS‘ goal is to strongly inform the public and politicians about the importance of ODA as a tool that, by improving the lives of people outside the EU, also contributes to the resilience of the citizens of EU Member States, including Czechia.

The plan for autumn is has been full of events and debates addressed either to the actors active in foreign development assistance (such as academic institutions, private sector, public administration), or to the wider public, enabled by subgrants provided to the member organizations of FoRS. For example, an inspiring international conference on humanitarian aid, which FoRS co-organised with the European platform VOICE, already took place in September.

A flagship event of FoRS – conference „Resilience as a task: How to help people in fragile regions to cope with complex crises” will be hosted in November. You can find more information below in our event section. You can find other events FoRS will participate in here.


České fórum pro rozvojovou spolupráci
Vladislavova 1460/12, 110 00 Praha 1

+420 222 522 480

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číslo účtu: 181618095/0300
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FoRS – České fórum pro rozvojovou spolupráci
je platformou českých nevládních neziskových organizací (NNO) a dalších neziskových subjektů, které se zabývají humanitární pomocí, rozvojovou spoluprací, globálním vzděláváním a informováním o těchto tématech.

Organizace ve FoRS sdílejí společný zájem prosazovat vyšší relevanci a efektivnost české i mezinárodní zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce a zvyšovat její pozitivní dopady pro obyvatele rozvojových a transformujících se zemí. 

Hlavním úkolem FoRS je zastupování společných zájmů členů a posilování spolupráce a vztahů mezi státními institucemi v ČR i EU a nevládními organizacemi na poli rozvojové spolupráce.

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